The Center for Breakthrough Medicine (CBM) says flexibility, space, and trained staff are necessary to keep up with technological progess in the advanced therapy space.
With the science of advanced therapies proven and industry bracing for another year of cutting-edge approvals, it is no surprise the technology in the space is also evolving. Thus, with a rapidly changing landscape, there is a need for adaptability.
“There is not one definition of what advanced therapies are,” said Avi Nandi, chief technology officer at contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) CBM . “From a facility perspective you need a laboratory and space that can operate flexibly to experiment and manufacture,” using your chosen technology.
Panel at BIO’s breakfast last week. Image c/o Millie Nelson
With so many choices of technology on the market, players in the industry should remember “you cannot invest in everything, it is impossible,” said Nandi at BDO’s breakfast in Boston last week. Instead, you should invest in “core technology that can go from the bench through to scale-up.”
Once you have selected your technology, you then “need expertise in the area you work in.” Nandi added how appropriate training for employees is “often underappreciated,” despite the fact once you have the technology, “you need to train” those who will be using it.
Technology training can be provided internally but also supported through partnerships. By making sure you have the right contacts built you will “have an awareness in the technology, and where appropriate, you can test the technology out.”
The firm has responded to the critical shortage of cell therapies by accelerating its plans to produce 10,000 patient therapies at its facility in King of Prussia, Philadelphia in June 2022. Moreover, CBM has said the facilities will be engineered with modular designs with the ability to adapt a range of cell types, manufacturing processes, and capacity demands to optimize efficiency while reducing costs.
In March, Scitech Engineering spoke at Advanced Therapies 2023 in London, UK and outlined that flexibility is key when designing a CGT facility because of the increasing demand for capacity and capability in the CGT space.
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