In this Wednesday, 5 June 2019, installment of the BPI Theater at BIO, Tom Ransohoff (managing director, BDO USA) led a roundtable discussion about ways that contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) can balance client demands while staying current with the rest of the biomanufacturing industry. Featuring Ransohoff, Jésus Zurdo (senior vice president of process science and innovation, Rentschler Biopharma), Andy Topping (chief scientific officer at FUJIFILM Diosynth), and Jesse McCool (Chief Technology Officer at Cytovance Biologics), the panel explored process sponsors’ willingness to adapt to new technologies and the benefits of slowing down manufacturing to adjust for improved systems.
Watch the full roundtable discussion below and leave your thoughts or questions on the topic below in the comments.
Life Sciences partnering events company EBD Group discusses the importance of communication, education, and the trials and tribulations of organizing an event with sustainability in mind.
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The BPI US 2024 scientific agenda includes 200+ of the industry's top scientists to present the latest updates on how to improve efficiencies across all phases of biopharmaceutical development and production.