October 1, 2011

Antimicrobial Incubator
Product: Multitron incubator shaker
Applications: Cell line screening and seed cultures for larger validated processes
Features: ATR has added an optional antimicrobial coating to the interior of its Multitron incubator shaker cabinet. This exclusively formulated coating inhibits the growth of bacteria, molds, and fungi over 100,000-fold. The coating is safe, effective, long-lasting, and approved for use in medical and food industries by independent certification. It is applied in production and can be ordered with any Multitron unit. All cabinets incorporate an independent control and power system, with redundant control of speed, temperature, lights, humidity, and CO2
Contact Appropriate Technical Resources
Disposable Flow Control

Product: Bioclamp, BioEnd Cap, and Biovalve components
Applications: Single-use systems
Features: Qosina offers a number of new bioprocessing components for disposable systems. Patented barbed flanges with preattached gaskets work with glass-reinforced Bioclamp clamps for easy assembly with a secure connection. Polypropylene BioEnd Cap plugs cover the openings. New USP Class VI glass-reinforced nylon Biovalve valves control fluid flow rate and can be added to preassembled systems without cutting tubing lines. The company offers a large inventory of connectors and clamps with more than 5,000 SKUs for custom design specifications.
Contact Qosina
Sterile Filtration

Product: Sartopore 2 0.1µm XLM filter
Applications: Sterilizing-grade and mycoplasma-retentive filtration of serum-free, hydrolysate-supplemented, and chemically defined cell culture media in biomanufacturing
Features: The next-generation 0.1-µm Sartopore 2 XLM PES filter features an optimized, highly asymmetric, 0.2-µm nominal prefilter membrane with an increased surface area of 0.8 m2 per 10-in. cartridge. With the same membrane as is used in Sartopore 2 0.2/0.1-µm PES filters, this combination performs well with several different media (up to >150–200% throughput increase).
Contact Sartorius Stedim Biotech SA
Aggregation Modeling
Product: Discovery Studio
Applications: Protein research and product development
Features: Accelrys has added software for predicting protein–protein aggregation to its Discovery Studio modeling and simulation application. The new algorithm enables protein engineers to identify the size and location of regions on antibodies prone to aggregation and then predict mutations to improve formulation stability. This validated “spatial aggregation propensity” software provides significant savings in development of biological therapeutics by helping scientists rationalize aggregation effects and suggesting modifications.
Contact Accelrys, Inc.
Microbial Detection
Product: BD FACSMicroCount system
Applications: Quality control
Features: BD Biosciences and BD Diagnostics designed the FACSMicroCount flow cytometry system to help quality control laboratories rapidly screen raw materials and in-process and finished goods for microbial contamination. Previously known as the Micro PRO microbial detection system, this instrument screens for bacteria, yeast, mold, spirochetes, mycoplasma, and parasite cysts. It speeds and automates traditional methods, helping to shorten production cycles and save labor, inventory, and warehouse costs. Fluorescent dyes help detect, enumerate, and differentiate between live and dead organisms.
Contact BD Biosciences
Colony Counting
Product: ProcScan accessory for the ProtoCOL 2 system
Applications: Product development (e.g., vaccine/antibiotic potency testing)
Features: Synbiosis designed the ProcScan full-color plate-scanning accessory to integrate with the company’s ProtoCOL 2 colony-counting system through a USB port. This high-resolution scanner automatically counts colonies or measures inhibition zones on large bioassay plates in seconds. It can accommodate round or square plates of ≤30×30 cm and also scan large grid arrays. A large number of vaccines and antimicrobial treatments can be processed at a time, increasing ProtoCOL 2 productivity. The accessory comes with IQ, OQ, and PQ documentation to facilitate installation and validation.
Contact Synbiosis
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