Content Spotlight
Podcast: MilliporeSigma says education vital to creating unbreakable chain for sustainability
MilliporeSigma discusses the importance of people, education, and the benefits of embracing discomfort to bolster sustainability efforts.
March 31, 2016
INFORS HT Minitron and Multitron Pro incubation shakers with LED Option.
Energy-saving, high light intensity, even light distribution and long lifespan: The new LED lighting of INFORS HT incubator shakers offers much more than conventional fluorescent tubes.
For the culture of photosynthetic organisms such as algae, plant cells and photosynthetic bacteria, we now rely fully on LEDs. The warm white LED light offers the ideal daylight-like spectrum in the visible range, with a very high proportion of photosynthetically active light. This universal solution ensures excellent growth of all photosensitive organisms.
“In addition, the LED lighting uses up to 50% less electricity than fluorescent tubes – and it has a longer lifespan. For us, this is a significant step towards saving energy in an environmentally sustainable lab” says Dr. Matthew Davey, University of Cambridge, UK.
The even light distribution over the tray ensures identical results in all vessels cultured in parallel. As an added bonus, compared to neon tubes, double the light intensity is available.
The INFORS HT Minitron and Multitron Pro incubator shakers offer a day/night timer switch, cooling, humidification and gassing with CO2 in order to ensure the best conditions for screening and optimizing phototropic processes. Other light spectra and high light intensities are available on request.
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