Content Spotlight
Podcast: MilliporeSigma says education vital to creating unbreakable chain for sustainability
MilliporeSigma discusses the importance of people, education, and the benefits of embracing discomfort to bolster sustainability efforts.
February 27, 2015
GEA Niro Soavi, the leader in high pressure homogenization, offers highly customized Pharma Skid homogenizers, which are able to meet all the fundamental requirements of hygienic design and quality. The company’s experience in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical applications enables technical support in the preparation of a full documentation package for cGMP certification and in the selection of the right component materials (FDA approved gasket and 3A certified materials).
The preparation of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and enzymatic preparations require the breaking of cells for the release of intracellular or subcellular material. Pharma Skids are safe and offer ultra clean turnkey solutions, able to work in sterile conditions and fully compliant with all pharmaceutical requirements.
GEA Niro Soavi’s Pharma Skid homogenizers are fitted with specifically designed high efficiency valves for optimized cell disruption in a single pass at the lowest possible pressure . They allow for a wide range of applications up to 1500 bar. This high pressure homogenization, which allows cell breakage, guarantees the control and the repeatability of results with no biological risks. GEA Niro Soavi homogenizers carry out recirculation in a safe and cost effective manner with less product being discarded.
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