Bioprocess Specialists All Under One RoofBioprocess Specialists All Under One Roof
August 1, 2013

Setting its sights on the benefits to the customer, Eppendorf has steadily expanded its proven bioprocess technology portfolio since 2007. With the integration of New Brunswick™ and DASGIP®, Eppendorf combines its own expertise with the know-how of these renowned suppliers of bioreactors to set new benchmarks.
For industrial and research users, this translates into sophisticated bioprocess software and hardware solutions from a single source that covers the full range from miniature bioreactor systems for R&D to production-scale, sterilize-in-place systems. The combination of proven glass, disposable, and stainless steel bioreactor technology with intuitive, easy-to-use, precise process control and comprehensive software solutions for effective benchtop process development is defined as quality by design (QbD).
DoE with Minibioreactors
With the DASbox® system, Eppendorf offers a flexible solution that supports bioprocess development activities using four, eight, 12, or more minibioreactors in parallel. The system can be used with fully instrumented glass or single-use vessels, making it highly suitable for screening tasks with working volumes of 60–250 mL. Features such as the precise control of all critical process parameters, parallel processing, and the utility of the comprehensive DASware® software suite ensure the system supports design of experiment (DoE) and process automation techniques through integration of external analysis instruments. This allows users to develop processes that conform to QbD principles.

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Parallel Operation for Accelerated Bioprocess Development
DASGIP parallel bioreactor systems from Eppendorf combine truly parallel processing with the proven functionality of benchtop bioreactors for industry. The user-friendly DASGIP parallel workflow concept — including recipe management, parallel calibration of sensors, combined online visualization of process parameters and tools for parallel analysis — accompanies users throughout the complete process.
Given their modular design, these flexible systems can be adapted to a wide range of cell culture and microbial applications. Each module designed for control and monitoring of a particular process parameter can be integrated individually into the bioreactor system. With working volumes ranging from 35 mL (for cell culture) or 60 mL (microbial) to 3.75 L, these systems were designed for R&D and process-development applications.
Superior Technology for Benchtop Applications
For benchtop cell culture and microbial applications in working volumes to 10.5 L, Eppendorf offers the New Brunswick CelliGen® and BioFlo® 115 and 310 product lines. In combination with the advanced reactor process controller (RPC) software, these glass-based bioreactor systems can be used to monitor and control up to 32 process parameters with user-friendly touch screen displays. The New Brunswick BioCommand® Software packages provide the added convenience of PC-based visualization and process control. The CelliGen/BioFlo 115 control unit is an entry-level model preprogrammed with both fermentation and cell culture operating modes. The 310 model is CGMP-compliant.
The CelliGen and BioFlo 115/310 control units feature specially developed impellers and fixed-bed solutions that rely on the proven Fibra-Cel® technology for adherent cell cultivation.
Software That Links and Accelerates
The DASware software suite, developed for DASGIP parallel bioreactor systems, contains a range of individual products that continuously accelerate bioprocess development. It boasts a variety of features including the capability to connect bioreactors and external analysis instruments, comprehensive data and information management, and the integration of industrial process control and data archives. DASware also supports DoE techniques and remote process control with PCs, laptops, iPhones®, iPads® and iPod touch® devices. The DASware® migrate solution permits integration of New Brunswick benchtop control units and third-party bioreactor controllers.
Small- to Large-Scale Single-Use Bioreactors
Eppendorf’s decades of experience in the field of sophisticated polymer products, combined with DASGIP’s and New Brunswick’s expertise in bioreactor design, provides a foundation for the development of innovative single-use bioreactor solutions. The Eppendorf “BLU” portfolio, which is oriented toward industrial-scale bioreactor designs, features fully instrumented, rigid-wall disposable bioreactors with working volumes of 65 mL to 40 L. Users benefit from reliable performance, and advanced process control while maintaining scalability of a stirred-tank system. Easy-to-use systems; shortened set-up times; and the elimination of cleaning, autoclaving, and in some cases validation steps ensure that users profit from shorter development times and lower operating costs.
With working volumes of 100–250 mL for cell culture applications and 65–250 mL for microbial applications, the BioBLU®0.3c/f are the smallest of the Eppendorf single-use bioreactors and were designed especially for parallel bioreactor operation with the DASbox. Just like with conventional glass bioreactors, this single-use system can use all the characteristics of the DASbox and DASware suite.
Eppendorf’s New Brunswick CelliGen BLU 5 L, 14 L, and 50 L bioreactors are suitable for both research and production applications. The 5 L model features the Fibra-Cel technology, making it suitable for cultivating adherent cells as well. The CelliGen BLU bioreactors can be operated with a number of third-party control systems by using adapter systems.
Spotlight: Stainless Steel Bioreactors from Pilot to P
roduction Scale
Designed specifically for pilot- and production-scale requirements, the BioFlo and CelliGen 510 and Pro and BioFlo 610 stainless steel bioreactors combine industry standards with a high degree of flexibility. As sterilize-in-place solutions, they meet the highest demands of quality and sterility. With working volumes of 5.2–520 L in cell cultivation and 2,400 L for fermentation, these solutions can be used in an impressive range of applications. While the BioFlo 610 is supplied with the proven RPC control software, with the 510 models users can choose from the New Brunswick RPC and Allen Bradley® PLC Software. The Pro line of fermenters and bioreactors are furnished with the Allen Bradley PLC software. Of course, users can reap the benefits of the BioCommand software with all stainless steel bioreactors from Eppendorf as well.
Bioprocess Solutions for Nearly Every Need
Eppendorf has established itself as global player in the field of bioprocess technology and is well positioned to address the needs of life-science laboratories with a full range of high-quality products: laboratory systems for liquid, cell, or sample handling as well as bioreactor solutions and superior software designed especially for bioprocess applications. This is proof once again that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
About the Author
Author Details
Claudia M. Huether-Franken is marketing and communications manager for the Juelich Bioprocess Center at Eppendorf AG, Rudolf-Schulten-Straβe 5, 52428 Juelich, Germany; 49-2461-980-471; [email protected];
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